Module 2 Bonus Lecture question

Home Forums SIBO Mastery Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth Module 2 Bonus Lecture question

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    • #771
      Karen Hufnagl

        Hi Dr. Woeller,

        A question of clarification on slide #10 in the Module 2 Bonus lecture:

        Since the methane values on this test are indicating a likely sluggish bowel/transit time with the lactulose being retained in the small intestine longer than normal, wouldn’t this also mean that the hydrogen values for samples 8-10 are more reflective of the distal ileum too (rather than the colon under “normal expected” transit times)?

        Thank you!

        Karen Hufnagl

      • #772

          Great observation. Yes, it definitely could indicate that too.

          At face value the test is more predominant hydrogen, but mildly elevated methane is mixed in their too.

          This test could come from someone with a mixed bowel pattern, i.e. diarrhea/loose stools with bouts of constipation, and lots of gas and bloating.

          Dr. Woeller

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