Yeast & Glutathione

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    • #257

      Hi Dr. Woeller,

      This female patient is seeing me for fertility issues and has POTS. There’s obvious yeast markers, fatty acid oxidation, etc. but I’m curious about a few things. She’s worried that marker 65 (thiamine) is a genetic issue. My thoughts are that it’s B1, B2 (glutaric acid) deficiency related to acetylaldehyde clearance issues. Could this be correct?
      I was also surprised that neurotransmitters were fairly normal considering her POTS and anxiety issues, but I guess this could all be coming from yeast?
      And with NAC so low, low AKG, glutathione markers and yeast issues, how do I get her glutathione levels up without aggravating the yeast?

      Any input would be appreciated,

    • #262

        #65 is not that high. It may be related a single nucleotide polymorphism, but not serious.

        The 2-Hydroxyhippuric indicates some glutathione problems. Also, this can be elevated from environmental chemical exposure too. Consider doing the GPL-TOX screen.

        She definitely has some yeast, but the overall markers for mitochondrial function are impaired too, i.e. Citric. I don’t think there is a disease process happening, but certainly some mito dysfunction. I have seen this too trigger from chemical exposure.

        Anxiety – yes, definitely yeast. Also, she likely has adrenal dysfunction too.

        Glutathione – Liposomal Glutathione from New Beginnings is an oral liquid that has good absorption. I have not seen it aggravate candida. Oral powder could be a problem, but not the liposomal form. I would suggest trying 1/2 tablespoon twice daily.

        Dr. Woeller

        P.S. What was the origin of her POTS? Any correlation in her history to Lyme?

      • #263

        Thank you Dr. Woeller. I put the mito-markers down to yeast overgrowth and low glutathione, but you may have a point regarding other chemical exposures.
        I do have her on liposomal glutathione and Acetyl-carnitine, so will continue with that.

        She had SVT attacks from about age 7 or so, and there are many auto-immune conditions in the family history (diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, hashimoto’s, etc.) She can’t recall a specific life-event or change around that time, but have always had fatigue even as a toddler. Her mother has significant yeast and oxalate (kidney stones) issues as well, so maybe mold or metals?

        Kind regards,

      • #265

          Sounds like a difficult situation. Heavy metals is certainly a possibility. I remember seeing an article years ago about cardiac tissue being very sensitive to the presence of heavy metals.

          Dr. Woeller

          • #418

            In the 2nd Q&A there was discussion of IV Glutathione. For patients in the LA area who might previously have gone to your Temecula clinic, can you provide recommendations of some local colleagues that might be open to discussions of IV treatment?

        • #424

            I haven’t worked with anyone in the Los Angeles area for many years. I just know of anyone there specifically. I don’t have her contact information, but look her up as she might now – Rachel West, D.O. I believe she is in Santa Monica. Also, you can check with the office of Stephen Hagopian, D.O. He is in Santa Monica too.

            Finally, for kids there is the California Hyperbaric Clinic in Irvine. They do provide I.V. services, or at least used to.

            Dr. Woeller

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