Single versus Combination Products

Home Forums SIBO Mastery Medication Dosing Single versus Combination Products


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    • #301

      Combination Products are tempting – but do they contain effective dosages of the herbs? or do you have to dose with single products to be effective? Isn’t most of the testing done on single products – and combos don’t contain enough?
      When you are treating for bacteria/candida what have you had success with?

    • #302

      what if there weren’t tests? assuming you have enough clinical sx, why not just treat with an broad spectrum herbal protocol. I would always rule out food and food chemical sensitivities first, but then just treat – it would also act as a good gut cleanse. If you spend the time and money on stool testing, and you find something, how would it change your protocol? One thing you pointed out is some pathogens do need antibiotics but what else.
      Isn’t response to treatment a good test?

    • #306

        It depends on the patient. Sometimes this is appropriate, but there are plenty of pathogens that need more specific intervention, i.e. clostridia, entamoeba histolytica.

        Clostridia has its own unique complexity in treatment and protocols which are often necessary. H. pylori is often overlooked, but has certain interventions that are needed that are not addressed by other therapy.

        Dr. Woeller

      • #307

          I prefer combination products and then at times a single remedy or two such as garlic extract or grapefruit seed extract. The combo products are nice as it cuts down on the amount of things given overall, but at times more of a combo is needed.

          We will get into Candida next week, but I really like Biocidin, as well as Grapefruit Seed Extract. Also, Nystatin works well in some cases and at times the use of Diflucan can be advantageous.

          With Candida it often involves a variety of remedies.

          Dr. Woeller

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