SIBO Treatment and Lowered Immunity

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    • #394

      Since the gut is often considered to be a significant part of the immune system, have you experienced (or heard of) an increased risk of illness (cold, flu, bronchitis, gastro, etc) during the period of time that SIBO is being treated with herbals or antibiotics? Since all the bacteria are essentially being killed – good or bad – this key part of immunity seems as though it would be compromised. If nothing else, it might beg the question of avoiding treatment during the cold and flu season. Thanks!

    • #411

        I have not heard of this, or experienced problems with patients. In fact, quite the opposite commonly occurs. When people are treated for chronic infections or imbalances (SIBO) they often feel better and don’t get sick as often.

        I don’t believe all the bacteria are being killed (good and bad) by antibiotic or botanical intervention. There are trillions of these organisms in the gut. Therefore, what is happening is a reduction in numbers that allows the bowel to reset its normal function.

        Dr Woeller

        • #417

          Granted I have a small sample of experience with Xifaxan, but post Xifaxan I’ve seen continued diarrhea as well as an apparent increase in colds/flu compared to other members of that household. It’s all anecdotal evidence at this point.

      • #423

          Yes, it definitely it anecdotal, but your observations are important with regards to your particularly practice.
          Dr. Woeller

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