Parasite Helminths

Home Forums SIBO Mastery Parasites Parasite Helminths

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    • #780
      Missy Beavers

        Happy New Year!
        I received results on a client’s stool testing that is positive for Parasite Helminths. It only identifies them as larval nematodes. In the past I’ve had the actual parasite identified and can better tailor an approach, but this is the only info I got.
        She is generally healthy and only complains of anxiety, depression and 5 pounds that can’t be lost. She had some mild strep/staph overgrowth, but nothing else out of balance on her stool test.

        What would you suggest to treat this infection?

        Thank you!

      • #781

          From a botanical standpoint I would suggest the GI Microb-X from Designs for Health. It contains the wormwood and black walnut, plus other ingredients that help expel worms.
          Dr. Woeller

        • #782
          Missy Beavers

            Thank you!

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