OAT Review #430992

Home Forums SIBO Mastery Lab Testing OAT Review #430992

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    • #463

      attached Oat,MNT, 401H not back yet
      also attached my treatment tracking form

    • #468


        -Arabinose – mildly elevated
        -4-cresol positive. DHPPA is a normal marker
        -Oxalate – high normal, but its interesting that the Fumaric is high which isn’t seen that often. Arabinose can inhibit Fumarase leading to high Fumaric.
        -HVA definitely high with an elevated HVA/VMA ratio. This indicates some blockage of Dopamine Beta-Hydroxylase enzyme likely from clostridia (4-cresol).
        -High 5-HIAA could come from 5-HTP or Tryptophan supplementation, medications like Prozac or the high consumption of foods such as eggplant, avocados or bananas.
        -Elevated Uracil suggest poor L-methyl-folate status
        -High markers for Fatty Acids likely from high yeast and/or clostridia
        -High pantothenic acid – I personally think this may be from adrenal stress as the adrenal may be pulling on B5 reserves to support adrenal function.
        -Low N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC)
        -Elevated hydroxyhippuric – this is back-up by the low NAC. Also, suggests pulling on glutathione reserves.

        The OAT doesn’t strongly support SIBO, but it isn’t necessarily a SIBO test. The clostridia could be causing some of her ongoing digestive problems.

        The MNT didn’t upload. Anything significant on it worth noting?

        Dr. Woeller

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