There is a lot going on in the OAT:
1 – high candida at 84, and other markers many high normal’
2 – HPHPA quite high at 534, with a few other markers indicating dysbiosis
NOTE: The clostridia should be a priority to try and eliminate as discussed in the Clostridia module.
3 – Oxalate looks fine, and the low Glycolic is clinically insignificant
4 – Low level mitochondrial stress, most likely linked to high clostridia and yeast. Would recommend at least using some CoQ10 and L-Carnitine supplementation at 200mg and 1000mg daily, respectively.
5 – Neurotransmitters of dopamine (HVA) and norepinephrine (VMA) look okay, but still would go after HPHPA. Serotonin is low normal which is quite common. Based on clinical picture of patient 150mg to 200mg of 5-HTP could be used.
6 – Fatty Acids and Pyrimidines look fine
7 – Nutritional markers actually look pretty good. There is low ascorbic acid, but this is common. Certainly okay to give additional vitamin C supplementation throughout the day.
8 – 2-hydroxybutyric is just slightly high. Probably related to high clostridia and yeast.
9 – Amino acid and phosphoric acid markers look fine
Salivary Adrenal:
1 – low cortisol across the board, and low DHEA too. When DHEA is low in association with low cortisol this generally indicates poor adaptation to chronic adrenal stress
2 – sex hormones – assuming this woman is post=menopausal which would explain the low overall sex hormones.
3 – melatonin being low could be linked to the low serotonin too.
What are you attempting to do therapeutically for this individual?
Dr. Woeller