I have a 57 yo male cc anger, anxiety, mild fatigue. OAT shows elevations in #5, 7, 24, 26, 29. About 8 weeks ago I started treating him with alternating Nystatin/Diflucan/Sporanox, botanical and probiotic protocol for 12 weeks. Now I’m reviewing his OAT after learning from another patient’s OAT to treat the elevated mold markers with Biocidin. I am wondering if this is a reasonable thing to do for this man as well. Another thing I think is really important is that he has significant respiratory problems for many years. He has asthma and gets bronchitis yearly. His PCP now has him on an antibiotic indefinitely, something the client does not want. He has had a slew of different tests and his PCP and specialists have no idea what is wrong with him. Their solution is simply the daily antibiotic. I’m wondering if a course of Biocidin orally and via sinus lavage would be indicated.