Lecture Sequence Change and Course Documents

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        Hello Everyone,
        This is Dr. Woeller. I hope you have all had a nice holiday weekend. We are putting the finishing touches on Tuesdays module content and webinar discussing GI pathogen testing and parasite treatment.

        I wanted to let you know that I have altered the lecture sequence for this course just slightly. Next week we were scheduled to discuss Helicobacter pylori, but I am going to move that module to week #7 (which will occur in mid-October). I believe the information will flow more effectively this way. The dates haven’t changed, just the sequence.

        Next week we will discuss again chronic candida, and then transition into clostridia bacteria problems, biofilms, and SIBO over the ensuing weeks. If you have any questions please let us know.

        Also, there are course documents that will be distributed during each module. However, throughout the course we will also place new documents in the ‘additional document’ section of the resource center as well from time to time. Make sure to check that section new material.

        Finally, we are readily available to answer your questions through the Forum. If there is something in a module presentation you didn’t hear, or want clarification of, please post those questions to the Forum.

        Dr. Woeller

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