Interfase Plus

Home Forums SIBO Mastery Biofilms Interfase Plus

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    • #351

      what dosage/frequency do you recommend for interface plus?
      when used for candida/biofilm bacteria
      I would use prior (2 weeks) to using the botanicals
      or should you use it durning the detox treatment

    • #355

        We will be going through this information this upcoming week in Module #4. However, I start with 1 capsule 30 minutes prior to administering any anti-pathogen remedy (whether it is a botanical or medication). I will start with one dose before first for 3 to 4 days (depending on the sensitivity of the individual) and then add a second dose and then a third (if dosing anti-pathogen remedies three times daily. From there, adding another capsule to each dosing can be tried. I personally don’t start new people off right away with biofilm treatment, unless these are people coming to me who have tried a lot of other things and are ready for something new. Too many times with new patients, particularly if they are new to integrative medicine, when you give too many instructions compliance goes down. Therefore, commonly I will reserve biofilm program until I get a chance to see how they are doing with a regular program.

        Dr. Woeller

      • #420

        I’ve tried both Interfase and Plus, since the Plus seemed to stimulate some diarrhea that the plain Interfase didn’t seem to.

      • #425

          I haven’t personally experienced this with anyone, or at least on a consistent basis.
          Dr. Woeller

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