H.Pylori virulence factor

Home Forums SIBO Mastery Helicobacter pylori H.Pylori virulence factor

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    • #624

      I have a 45 year old client who was diagnosed in 2008 with crohn’s disease. She has subsequently been diagnosed with H.Pylor, which she eradicated with a different practitioner. Last month her stool sample from DRG Laps GI Pathogens Plus showed the H.Pylori was lowered to a score of 22, but that the virulence factor cagA was high/positive 922. Can you explain why that marker jumped, when the H.Pylori itself is low to nonexistent?
      (also, Her tests from last July indicated normal levels of H.pylori and virulence factor cagA, but a high entamoeba histolytic count which she treated with another practitioner).

    • #625

        I am not very familiar with this test. I would suggest calling the lab and getting an explanation of the lab finding. Perhaps there is a lag time in that marker for eventual negative results to occur. I am assuming the patient is asymptomatic.

        Also, how was the Entamoeba histolytica detected? Was it PCR?

        Dr. Woeller

        • #627

          It was detected via this same lab and stool test (GI Pathogens Plus). This is the first time I have heard for DRG Labs…

      • #631

          Okay. Do you know if the E. histolytica was detected by antigen detection or PCR analysis?

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