H pylori and c diff

Home Forums SIBO Mastery Helicobacter pylori H pylori and c diff

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    • #578

      Hi Dr. Woeller ,

      As I recall, if someone had a + C diff with elevated HPHPA markers as well as a + h pylori , one would start with treatment for the clostridia and then start on the h pylori?

      Thank you ,


    • #583

      One more thought, since h pylori is so difficult to eradicate, should one use interphase plus along with the Pyrocil ? Also, can using the suppirt digestion ( which has Hcl) be troublesome with a + h pylori ? I can’t find a digestive support without Hcl .

      Thank you ,


    • #585

        As stated in a previous post the use of Swedish Bitters would be a good way to go to avoid direct HCL supplementation from something like Support Digestion.

        The use of Interfase Plus is certainly an option too. How much it will affect the H. pylori is hard to say, but worth a try. Finally, I would personally go after the Clostridia first before introducing H. pylori remedies. I don’t feel you need to completely run through a clostridia protocol before introducing H. remedies, but separately things by at least a week or so is beneficial to cut down on potential digestive symptoms people may get, i.e. die-off.

        Dr. Woeller

      • #586

        Thanks Dr. Woeller,

        We are using a cyclical clostridia protocol and are on week 2 of the every third day Biocidin . Can we introduce the h pylori Rx with pyloricil now or should we wait until the end of the cyclical Biocidin plus an extra week in between as you mentioned?

        Very much appreciate your input ,


      • #587

          It should be fine to add in the H. pylori remedies at this point.
          Dr. Woeller

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