Diet for Candida

Home Forums SIBO Mastery Diet Diet for Candida

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    • #234

      Dr Woeller,
      Should fruit be restristed in Candida overgrowth? And honey? According to GAPPs diet, which is also inttended for patients with Candida overgrowth, they would be OK?
      Is there any especific diet recommendation for clostridium overgrowth?

      I have found your course very useful. Thank you very much for answering my questions in the forum.


    • #236

        I don’t believe there are absolutes for every patient with regards to these foods when it comes to Candida. The more severe the problem than the more restrictive someone needs to be. However, generally I feel it is best to limit these foods if you find someone eating them excessively.

        No specific diet for clostridia other than improving the quality of the diet or finding foods that the patient is allergic/sensitive too.

        I am glad the course was helpful for you.

        Dr. Woeller

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