Cycle Protocol

Home Forums SIBO Mastery Candida Cycle Protocol

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    • #377

      Why would or wouldn’t it be more effective to cycle botanicals and pharmaceuticals for Candida – like 90 days but 1 week nystatin, 3 weeks biocidin (cleanse), 1 week nystatin, etc. Also, you exampled tapering, and pulsing treatments for clostridia – what about for candida? Perhaps pulsing in a little grapefruit seed extract into the biocidin cleanse.

    • #380

        In our experience with candida cycling botanicals and/or prescriptions does work and can help prevent against resistance. This type of approach is usually called an antifungal parade. However, I don’t like pulsing remedies for yeast because of its invasive nature, so I prefer to keep the pressure on. But, rotating between various remedies is fine.

        Dr. Woeller

      • #383

        that is helpful thank you
        what is the time frame to use a product to avoid resistance – ?
        I am considering a “parade” of:
        1 nystatin
        2 biocidin (see ingredients below)
        3 rotate botanical antifungals – Thorne formula SF 722, Syntol AMD
        4 and back to…
        this is the client who also has p aeruginosa

        if I use a comprehensive product like biocidin/and oliverex I “run out” of good botanicals to cycle with – like GSE, Uva Ursi, Garlic, Goldenseal – I have to find something new – like Thorne SF 722 (10-Undecenoic acid)
        what does a good rotation look like if you use a comprehensive botanical? and would I put nystatin back in?

        Biocidin Contents
        Bilberry extract, Grape Seed extract, Milk Thistle, Echinacea, Goldenseal, Shiitake, White Willow, Garlic, Black Walnut (hull and leaf), Raspberry, Fumitory, Gentian, Noni, Tea Tree oil, Galbanum oil, Lavender oil, Oregano oil

        Olive Leaf extract (organic, minimum 18-24% oleuropein content), 125 mg combination of the following: Garlic (plant), Goldenseal (root), Milk Thistle (seed), St. John’s Wort (plant), Uva Ursi (leaf), American Ginseng (root), Bladderwrack (plant), Cordyceps, Dandelion (root), Noni (dried fruit), White Willow (bark).


      • #387

          I am not sure that question is really known? Botanicals are easier to rotate because they don’t require a prescription. With botanicals every 5 to 7 days is fine – whether they are single or combination. The medications, if available, can be rotated into the mix as well. Make it easy for the patient/client to follow, i.e. every 7 days. If we get too complicated with our instructions compliance becomes an issue. What’s important is consistency with using these remedies.

          There is no perfect answer for this scenario and I have seen plenty of people do just fine on combination remedies like Biocidin for extended periods of time, i.e. 1 to 2 months.

          Dr. Woeller

        • #388

          this client has a prescription for nystatin 3 weeks
          Im thinking of starting with the nystatin – would there be an advantage to using only a week of it before rotating, then integrating it later as well – or use it all at once before transitioning to rotating botanicals.
          also, if the protocol will be at least 3 months and perhaps more – do i need to be concerned about giving the liver a rest?

        • #390

            If she only has 3 weeks worth, then rotating it for 7 days at a time is worthwhile.

            Liver function concern – not really, unless you know her to have liver disease.

            Dr. Woeller

          • #393

            no liver problems
            she also has p aeroginosa
            so I would probably rotate to biocidin/Orthomolecular Candicid Forte/SF722 back to nystatin…

            although the emphasis may be too much on the candida
            stay on biocidin longer?

            I know there is no formula for this – but Id like to give it the best shot for these people who have been trying and relapsing for years.
            thanks for your help

          • #396

              I think going with a weekly rotation is a good idea. One it’s easy to remember and provides a long enough time for a person to feel the differences between remedies. This would be called an antifungal parade and have them provide feedback on which ones tends to work best.

              Dr. Woeller

            • #414

              Same client – P Aeruginosa, Candida, SIBO (Methane type)-

              she is on nystatin now/ but I have not focused on the SIBO (assuming Biocidin/and rotating botanicals will get it )
              having just listened to the SIBO module (Excellent!!!)
              should she be taking the neomycin + rifaxamin ? since you listed that as a reason for relapse?

            • #419

                I would personally try the Biocidin and rotating botanicals approach myself. The Rifaxamin/Neomycin could always be tried if no resolution from the former approach.
                Dr. Woeller

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