Casein and gluten

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    • #167

      Dr Woeller,
      In your experience, if there is a positive test for peptides (casein and gluten), how often does it revert after intestinal inflammation is solved? Or is it mainly a genetical issue?
      If both casein and gluten share the same proteolytic enzyme, DPP-IV, why is the peptide test sometimes positive to just one of them (gluten or casein)?
      Thank you very much.

    • #169

        I wish I could say I had a folder full of post-diet urinary peptides tests to compare. I have some and if people are following the diet strictly than the numbers normalize fairly quickly. What I see clinically is that people who have peptide sensitivity (most obvious in autistic kids) is overtime they are less reactive as their gut heals. However, this can take time, i.e. many, many months or a few years.

        Your other question is a great one. Let me do some investigation on that and see what I can come up with.

        Dr. Woeller

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