Case Gut Pathogens Labs included

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    • #293

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      February 7, 2016 at 6:41 am #272 REPLY

      Lorraine Love

      32 yo female

      anxiety, depression, irritability
      abdominal pain in am
      burning on bowel movement
      3-8 stools daily Bristol Scale 6-8
      low energy/fatigue/
      chronic vaginal candida

      2013 Adrenal Salivary
      stage 2/3

      2013 Genova Effects
      + Campylobacter spp molecular probe
      + 4 yeast
      low fecal SigA
      Not treated

      2014 Genova Comp Parasitology –
      4+ gamma haemolytic Streptococcus NP
      +3 alpha haemolytic Streptococcus NP
      +4 Pseudomonas aeruginosa PP
      +1 Candida albicans
      Chilomastix mesnili: many trophozoites & cysts
      NOTE above NOT treated

      2016 GI Effects see attached
      need help interpreting/ clearly poor protein/fat absorption
      doesn’t look like dr ordered the pathogenic add-on?
      how interpret microbiome info? re supplements?

      candida – chronic vaginal/ assuming gut as well
      was put on difflucan/nystatin for 8 months as soon as she went off , yeast came back

      Nutrient Testing
      Quest – 12/15 see attached
      ferritin 21 D 40
      iodine 42
      c.albicans IGG 1.8
      c.albicans IGA 1.0
      homocysteine 9.3
      DHEA 348

      + HLA DQ2 – is gluten free

      Food Sensitivities – removed gluten,dairy,inflammatory foods

      SIBO test 2014 see attached
      + for methane?


      avoid identified inflammatory foods
      support digestion: add Betaine HCL with pepsin and digestive enzymes
      support nutrient status: MVMM, + nori for iodine
      replete iron with ferrochel?
      adrenal support with meditation/sleep/yoga
      more testing?
      treat for candida, SIBO, gut pathogens –
      Heal gut

      I am thinking the candida and the P aeuroginosa is what I need to target. The campylobacter from the 2013 test did not show up again – although it looks like the dr did not include a complete parasitology on the 2016 GI Effects.

      Do I need more testing? Have I found the root cause? candida, SIBO, gut pathogens, post infectious IBS (autoimmune nerve impact?)

      Could the burning on BM be Bile Acid Diarrhea? which I have seen in SIBO since bile acid re-absorption is blocked by si damage?

      do I assume that if those pathogens were there in 2013, 2014 they are still there. Clinical sx would support that.

      Do they ever exit on their own. Is there a protocol that would treat all the above?
      Would you use biofilm? in the first class you mentioned you don’t always use biofilm buster, please explain.

      I was considering FCR protocol from Parasitology Lab but have decided against it because Candida morphs and needs a cycling of different herbals?

      would you add in nystatin? I am leary of that because I have never seen a case where there wasn’t a very quick relapse. Yet you said it was safe? and perhaps it could be used as a jump start, complemented with herbals? pro motility supplements, etc.? What have you found to actually work?

      Treatments seem to be controversial. Relapse rates high. Candida and SIBO particularly challenging.

      Can you see why I am taking your course?



    • #296

        For some reason the labs didn’t upload. The file sizes may be too large. You can try again or email them to

        It sounds like you have the classic case of multiple infection, gut toxicity, bowel inflammation and imbalance and generally an overall difficult situation.

        Candida is clearly a problem and the level of dysbiosis only adds to the problem. The burning with bowel movements can be from the acidic pH of the stool which is often triggered by SIBO and/or infections. Also, there could also be an oxalate situation going on too, particularly from high levels of Candida.

        She seems to have a lot of thing untreated? Any reason some of these issues were never treated in the past?

        SIBO and high methane usually lead to constipation, but a mixture of hydrogen and methane could cause a mixed bowel pattern.

        #1 – has this patient tried certain antibiotics, botanicals and/or antifungals in the past with negative results?

        #2 – is she sensitive to supplements overall? causing more GI problems

        #3 – does she do worse with probiotics?

        Dr. Woeller

        • #299

          I will re-send labs via email. The testing was done, and the results ignored because she moved and the acupuncturist focused on the anxiety, chinese herbs and acupuncture. Before she moved, she had been on 2 doses of rifaximin but there was no follow-up, no motility agents, no f-u test. I believe she still has SIBO, has gut Candida, and the bacteria that show up in the attached test. The reference range for a methane positive (according to Commonwealth Labs/and conventional medicine) is too high so she would have a false negative on SIBO methane anyway.
          She is not sensitive to probiotics.

          I would probably test, use interface plus, then try rotational single herbs for Candida. I would like to use that Biocydin comprehensive cleanse but I have read so much about the Candida developing resistance and the need to rotate that if I use a combination product, she would become resistant to all of it?
          please comment on the +4 Pseudomonas aeruginosa PP, and what shows up in the 2016 GI Effects test.
          Please re-read above post for additional lab data, I am emailing labs.
          thank you

      • #309

          Not only are there are number of bacterial imbalances, plus Candida, but also Entamoeba coli. This parasite is not a significant pathogen, but amongst everything else I agree with you in doing a botanical approach for all of it.

          Also, if you find Candida on a stool test, and you have a patient who is symptomatic, i.e. bloating, gas, fatigue, brain fog assume the Candida is a lot worse.

          Personally, I would try the Comprehensive Cleaning Program to just try and clear some of the toxins from the bowel. This will also reduce the overall dysbiotic load as well. It is going to be a 2 to 3 month process likely. After 30 days you could add in single remedies and rotate them every 5 to 7 days. I do this with many of the autistic children I treat. Some of my favorites that are available from New Beginnings Nutritionals – are:

          -Grapefruit Seed Extract
          -Allimax (garlic extract)
          -Uva Ursi

          Make sure she is digesting her food appropriately. If ordering from New Beginnings use the DiZorb – 1 to 2 capsules before meals.

          Finally, her short chain fatty acids, i.e. are out of balance. I really like the Sodium-Potassium Butyrate capsules that New Beginnings carries. I start people with 1 capsule twice daily and then work up to 3 capsules twice daily with food.

          Dr. Woeller

          P.S. another nice option for people who you suspect have ongoing digestive inflammation is not only they Buytrate, but Curcumin. New Beginnings also carries Curcumin 250 – 1 to 2 capsules twice daily.

          Dr. Woeller

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