Candida in Bloodstream

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    • #345

      The OAT will tell us about candida in gi tract – would that automatically mean it has gotten into the blood stream because of leaky gut? – in which case Nystatin wouldn’t help, right? then you would have to use Difflucan as well. How common is it for candida to be in the bloodstream and in the gut? and how would you confirm that? is the treatment any different?

    • #348

        The OAT markers Arabinose and Tartaric Acid come about from breakdown of hyaluronic acid which indicates infiltration across the mucosal barrier. However, it is not specifically isolated Candida cells in the blood stream so it cannot be assumed it is a systemic overgrowth of candida. Antibody testing for IgM and IgG may pick it up too, but these markers could be high as well with tissue infiltration across the mucosal barrier of candida into the submucosa. Testing for candida in the blood would need to be done via PCR analysis or culture. Growing candida on a blood culture would indicate a patient who is very, very sick. This is not our typical health practice patient.

        Diflucan has systemic effects because of its absorption, whereas Nystatin isn’t absorbed to any significant degree. If you had a patient with blood culture candida than most definitely a systemic antifungal would be needed such as Diflucan or Nizoral. Nystatin will attack the cell body of candida. The hypha can still die back even if there has been tissue infiltration. Unfortunately, we don’t have a test to know for sure how much candida there is, which ones are infiltrative into the mucosa, and which ones are entirely embedded in biofilm. Therefore, we are left with using various remedies to try and combat the problem.

        Dr. Woeller

      • #473

        If “brain fog is a symptom” and there is + Candida with + arabinose marker on OAT, can we assume that it is systemic, and if so, should we use a course of diflucan instead of nystatin? Pt. also treated with cyclical Biocidin.
        thank you,

      • #474

          The effects of candida can certainly be systemic, but whether the candida organism is seeding in the blood stream is difficult to say. Therefore, brain fog is an indication of overall reaction to candida toxins, but these still could be coming from the gut. Think of the ‘auto-brewery syndrome’ scenario. The gut is producing toxins that are then taking into general circulation and affect the brain.

          If you have the ability to use Diflucan I encourage doing so, even if for a short course, i.e. two to three weeks. Many times it can bring about impressive changes, but botanicals can also have systemic effects on brain fog too.

          Dr. Woeller

        • #477

          Thank you. I will start with the cyclical biocidin protocol and see if there are any improvements without nystatin nor diflucan, at least initially. Arabinose marker is 47.
          How much can Clostridia affect the brain fog? +moderate elevation of HPHPA of 289. No other Clostridia markers.

          Appreciate your input,

        • #478

            The HPHPA can affect people quite a bit. I wish I could say everyone has the same reaction, but they don’t However, in our experience if its elevated treat it and try and get rid of it as it certainly doesn’t help the situation having it around.

            Dr. Woeller

          • #479

            Thank you , will proceed as above.
            One more question, how does grapefruit seed extract work on Candida?


          • #481

              I know it kills candida, but I am not sure of the mechanism of action. It likely acts similar to Nystatin in affecting ergosterol activity.
              Dr. Woeller

            • #483

              Thanks Dr. Woeller–

            • #599

              Hey Doc,
              Blood microscopy can determine if Candida is in the blood stream. I personally have on-going issues with this for years now. I have done Ortho (?) cleanses from my ND just to have it return 6+ months later. I have done caprylic acid with a little success but cleared 99% of it out of blood with pau D’Arco + berberine. I worry about pau D’Arco as anti-bacterial & didn’t want to kill off good bacteria with yeast. After your lecture, went to Spouts & got your grapefruit seed extract ($16) & adding it to morning lemon water. Can’t wait to see my own test result for analysis of how I’m doing now.

            • #600

                My focus has been on what is most commonly available and easy to access for most practitioners and patients. However, you are absolutely correct about blood microscopy. I will add that information in the future.

                Dr. Woeller

                • #673

                  Hey Doc,
                  FYI follow up with last post on my OAT – ND decided for me with systemic candida not cleared by botanicals to put me on cycle of nystatin followed by diflucan in conjunction with botanicals. Seeing itchy/dry skin symptoms decreasing & energy increasing. Loving this. I am thinking I may need to follow diflucan with another round of nystatin.

                  Jacqueline Walburn

                  PS When do we get our certs?

              • #674

                  Great. I like the rotation between the two.

                  Certifications – contact Brian at

                  Dr. Woeller

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