Home Forums SIBO Mastery Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth SIBO TEST FALSE NEGATIVE?

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    • #497

      isn’t a test like this suspicious? how could someone have
      no detection of bacteria in si? he has all the sx.

    • #511

        That is odd. What are this individuals symptoms related to bowel movements, i.e. constipation versus loose stools?

        Dr. Woeller

      • #532

        mucousy stools/ with black spots?
        He is getting back to me with updated gi sx and Bristol Scale

      • #539

          Okay. You may have to do some type of bowel cleanse with him to see if symptoms improve.
          Dr. Woeller

        • #542

          Here is clients response on symptoms
          Regarding the SIBO test, I’m not sure…I followed all of the instructions to a T. I am at a point now where I clearly know that my gut has been a big factor in my adrenal fatigue and if I don’t heal my gut than I am not going to heal much.

          Before I met you my symptoms were: bloating, gas, diarrhea, mucus in stool, increased urgency, indigestion if out to eat and talking while eating, intense sugar cravings (very intense)

          After changing my diet and adding probiotics I no longer have bloating, diarrhea, or increased urgency. The gas is much improved but I still have it (have had it my whole life). Mucus in stool comes and goes and is not as prevalent as before. Indigestion if talking while eating is still prevalent and I still have the intense sugar cravings but solve them through Peanut Butter. It is to the point where I have stopped on my way home from work to get peanut butter at Whole Foods because I can’t wait to get home.

          The sugar/peanut butter cravings definitely get worse as the day goes on and seem to be the worst before bed.

          On the Bristol Stool chart I am Type 4 now most days (when I have stress it goes to a 5 or 6). When we met I was anywhere from a Type 5 to 7 regularly. I currently go to the bathroom 1 to 2 times daily (most days it is 1). Color is normal.

          Interestingly enough, over the last two weeks for the first time in my life I have had some constipation. I cut back on the probiotics a little and it stopped.

          If I stop the probiotics, digestive enzymes etc my stool reverts back to it’s old ways within a week.

          I also have a thick white coat on the back of my tongue.

          Let me know if you have any other questions.

          Thanks for your help – candida for sure, but ws the SIBO test false negative. I am attaching his GI Effects again showing pathogens.

        • #545

          here is GI Effects for above

        • #554

            Looking over the labs something strikes me about the EPX, poor pancreatic enzyme function (lipase for fats) and low Butyrate.

            Also, the OAT shows a few high bacteria toxins, including 4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid which comes from clostridia bacteria. This individual likely has an overproduction of lipopolysaccharides (LPS) which are known to cause insulin resistance (IR). With increase IR there is greater potential for hypoglycemia. Now, what is affecting the pancreas I am not sure. The high eosinophil X points to allergy induced problems in the bowel.

            Does this person have histamine sensitivity to food? Increase food reactions regardless of what they eat?

            A few ideas:

            •Biocidin or GI Microb-X to decrease imbalance of LPS producing bacteria
            •Sodium/potassium Butyrate – to improve butyrate levels in large intestine – 2 capsules three times daily with meals. Use the sodium/potassium butyrate and not magnesium/sodium since he already has loose stools.
            •Curcumin/Quercetin Complex – 2 capsules with each meal – breakfast, lunch and dinner minimally
            •Digestive enzymes – Peptizyde from Houston Enzyme is good. 2 capsules with each meal

            The Biocidin, Sodium/Potassium Butyrate, Curcumin/Quercetin Complex and Peptizyde are available from New Beginnings Nutritionals.

            He likely could benefit from prescription Creon which is pure lipase, but the Peptizyde should suffice.

            Dr. Woeller

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