Additional Support – Add-ons?

Home Forums SIBO Mastery Candida Additional Support – Add-ons?

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    • #320

      Additional Supports in Pathogen/Candida/treatment
      what about supporting detox pathways first?
      what about supporting immune system ?
      what about supporting digestion?
      what about re-balancing micro biome?
      My concern is that we can perhaps eliminate the candida/or other pathogen but if we don’t support the reason the person has the problem they will relapse.
      What are the “pearls” that really make the difference?

    • #324

        As we go through this course there will be much more that we discuss. However, to address some of your questions.

        People need to work on moving themselves in the direction of health which includes lifestyle changes, i.e. better sleep, eating habits, exercise, improved diet, mental/emotional factors, stress reduction. You are correct in that treatment isn’t just about killing this pathogen or taking a bunch of botanicals. However, these approaches are sometimes necessary to decrease and eliminate opportunistic pathogens which cause symptoms and ill-health.

        I am always in favor of supporting body chemistry through supplementation and healthy eating. Providing the body with necessary nutrients will support detoxification pathways too, as well as the immune system.

        There are literally 1000’s of different supplements a patient can be on. The issue is how many things can anyone take or be willing to take.

        Rebalancing the microbiome often comes about after pathogens an dysbiosis have been resolved and digestion is optimized. Some of the best things long-term are cultured vegetables and kefir products along with a balanced diet.

        I really like Support Digestion as an overall digestive enzyme – We have also used Swedish Bitters too for people with more sensitive digestive systems who may not be able to tolerate hydrochloric acid.

        Are there specific questions you have about certain supplements?

        Dr. Woeller

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