When do you consider doing stomach acid testing?

Home Forums SIBO Mastery Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth When do you consider doing stomach acid testing?

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    • #310

      When do you consider doing stomach acid testing?

    • #311

        The Heidelberg Gastric Acid Analysis test is the most accurate, but it is expensive. I have never done it, but it is indicated for individuals with poor digestion who are not responding to general supplement administration.

        In some patients where infection induced reflux problems have been ruled out, i.e. H. pylori, SIBO administering HCL supplementation seems to work fine. For example, the Support Digestion product from BioMatrix One – http://www.biomatrixone.com – calls for 2 capsules with meals. I have used higher dosages is a few individuals and if burning or irritation occurs I back off on the dose.

        Dr. Woeller

      • #312

        Thank you Dr. Woeller,

        Can a low stomach acid be one cause of SIBO, and if so,should we just start with a treatment of low acid ?


      • #313

          Yes, it can be a big trigger for SIBO. Supporting digestion is really important.

          In our experience the use of HCL can be tried, but we feel it is important too to test for H. pylori (via the #401-H). However, we have had people where implementing Support Digestion, for example, seems to help.

          Dr. Woeller

        • #314

          Thanks so much, Dr. Woeller.
          We will R/O the h pylori ( via the 401-H ) , then start on the BioMatrix supplement.

        • #315

            Sounds good. Let us know how things are going.
            Dr. Woeller

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