Post Infectious IBS

Home Forums SIBO Mastery Digestive Problems Post Infectious IBS

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    • #300

      Can you address post infectious IBS. Many of my clients develop IBS after travelers diarrhea. Sometimes up to 1-2 years later? I have read it can cause an autoimmune type reaction against the nerve cells of the gut – and continued problems with motility. I feel this is what I am seeing – not sure how to address – 401 H first?, OAT?, a cleanse, with herbal antibiotics, gut healing, motility agents –
      again, do you see why Im taking your course ?

    • #308

        I feel that post-infectious IBS if it is manifesting long after the initial event should be evaluated with a #401-H and OAT. I don’t like to assume that things are all related to something that occurred 1 to 2 years previously. If there are new infections they should be treated accordingly.

        IBS occurring shortly after an infection is worthwhile to address via a SIBO approach of digestion support, i.e. enzymes, specific carbohydrate/low FODMAPS diet and motility agents such as Iberogast.

        In someone who is constipation doing an herbal bowel cleanse can help clear the symptom picture. The program we like for this is from Dr. Schultz at

        Dr. Woeller

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